rt.magasin is all about trying to better the fashion/textile industry. With up to 100 billion garments made worldwide, producing a textile waste of 92 million tons globally, change needs to happen. While being a small operation, rt.magasin takes on some of this waste, particulary in Sweden. Making clothing and accessories out of discarded clothing and textiles. All material worked with is quality controlled and washed before ending up at the customer as a finished garment.
rt.magasin is run by one person, making everything from initial design, patternmaking and sewing the garments together. This takes time, a whole lot more time than what we're used to today. But the slow process allows for reflection and goes against overconsumerism. The garments made are carefully crafted to ensure quality for our customers, who are willing to to slow down for our planet and ourselves.
rt.magasin will strive to tackle the problem of textile waste in bigger and more meaningful ways throughout it's lifetime, this is only the beginning.